"I Just Work Here" presents: She Didn't Know

Comic, woo!

Unfortunately this update comes with some semi-bad news: the next update will be Saturday the 22nd, about two weeks from now. I came to this decision somewhat reluctantly; I really wanted to finish the current story arc before the end of the year (there are only two more pages), but I also really wanted to do another colored IJWH holiday comic. The colored holiday comic won out, so I will be posting it by Saturday December 22nd. I will then be out of town, so the next update will be on January 4th, 2013! After January 4th, we'll be back to the regular once-a-week schedule.

I do apologize; I really wanted to keep it at once a week, but I've got too much going on. There will however be several new gallery pictures to celebrate the new year with, so your patience will not go unrewarded.